Friday, January 18, 2008

Adventures in Healthcareland, Part 3

Well, as you can see I made it out alive. Nobody told me till the last day I was in that I could unplug my ball and chain (the IV) and walk around on battery power. I also found out that someone from the TV and phone company come around everyday to collect $5.75
for the phone or $6 for the TV for rent for the day. That's outsourcing at it's best and no, I do want to miss the football games! I did have to rent the phone though as I had to conduct some work by phone (the other ball and chain). Anyway, only today did I call up my insurance company to find out if I needed to do anything about this hospital stay. They said I'm 100% covered. I didn't say anything for a couple seconds because I was so surprised that I would not have to face some obstacle. What a relief. This is how it should work for everyone not just me, a privileged white man with a cushy white collar job. It's just too bad the system doesn't work this well for everyone.

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