Monday, April 7, 2008

The Revolution

Just finished reading Sandor Katz's book: The Revolution will not be microwaved: Inside America's Underground Food Movements. What a great book! I felt like here's someone who understands what's going on in the country and is ready for it, at least where food is concerned. Particularly poignant was the chapter on neutriceuticals in which Sandor talked about the precariousness of being tethered to the health care system via prescription drugs. Sandor is HIV+ and takes several different drugs that cost much more than anyone should have to pay to stay alive. Why is this poignant? Because I'm in the same boat. I too am tethered to the health care system via prescription drugs and it sucks! I don't pay nearly as much as he does. His meds are subsidized by the state he lives in, mine, luckily, are part of my employers health care plan. So we're both lucky. But what if that state support goes away or I lose my job? What then? No one should have to live with this kind of weight on their shoulders or over their head. Unfortunately, many do and many others are not as lucky as Sandor and I are.

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